It has been a few months since instagram brought out the 'pinned comment' feature, but do you know how to properly utilise this as both the creator and the commenter? In this post I will be walking you through the benefits of this feature and what it can mean for your account.
The pinned comment feature that has rolled out on instagram a few months ago seemed at first an unlikely tool that would help but over the last few months, I have been seeing more and more people use it and seen it’s advantages. It means for a creator that when someone is going through their feed they will see your image and then the pinned comment first. As a creator this is great, this ensures that the first comment people see is actually relevant or important instead of it being a spam comment that is completely irrelevant to the image. The way you can use this as a creator to your advantage is if you see a comment that is particularly kind, relevant or even a comment from a fellow well established account. It sounds cheeky but it is certainly a way for traffic to notice your account as being important.
As someone doing the commenting, it is good to keep in mind that the creator can pin more than one comment, look at their content and engage with their image through a comment that would be relevant to them. This will help you because they may pin your comment which would help your account be noticed and seen by other users on Instagram, as your comment will not be lost within the other 100 comments. This could all be down to the fact you put in that extra time to just stop and think about what would be suitable for an image by the creator. It helps both you and them as they appreciate the relevant comments, trust me.
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