Over the past year, I have trialed several influencer courses so I could learn what they are all really about. You always see people promoting their course and telling you why theirs is better than others. Now in some cases, I found this was correct but in others not so much.
I previously had around 5k followers before I decided to restart and refresh my social media. Most of my old followers were basically ghosts anyway and I averaged 300-400 likes a post, maybe a comment or two and a save but that was it. My engagement was low.
I have had my new Instagram for a year My followers have hit 1.8k, and my engagement averages are the best I’ve ever seen them. I have also been privileged to meet some wonderful girls who will always hype me up and have turned into genuine friends, they are also on the same influencer courses as myself. I do believe a lot of this was because of the two courses I have linked at the end of my post!
Over the last year on these different courses; I have found that the smaller businesses that run the courses are worth it more than the larger ones. This is because I felt it was more of a personal experience, and the support was greater in helping you reach your goals no matter how small they may be. You’re provided with help with;
- Hashtags, why they are so important and I have also been provided extensive lists of the various hashtags to use. I’ve never seen such brilliant results before regarding hashtags.
- How to take a photo- which sounds daft but it genuinely is helpful, anyone can point and shoot a camera but to do it correctly is another thing.
- I was also given the best editing apps, now I have such a big folder on my phone with the best apps I’ve used by far.
- I have had 1-1 FaceTime calls about my goals and things I need to work on which are included in the course.
- Lists of PR emails. This is why a lot of people join courses and it is really helpful if you want freebies sure but I made it my goal to build my account first and then maybe I’ll do collaborations! But the lists are huge and something I found is most of them are very similar to each other, one course had a few more than the other, however; they all had some brilliant contacts on.
- You are taught about ‘niches’, and how to present your profile which is also super important to attract people to your page to help you grow.
There is a lot more involved but these are some of the biggest points. I do strongly believe that the smaller courses are there to genuinely help you and help you get on the step to growing, I message my coaches for advice even though I have already had my course (technically), they’re still willing to help me and that’s something I feel is really important.
Unfortunately, I have purchased a more well-known course and they have around 20k + people on board. I felt I was okay, I mean more followers to a course does not mean that they won’t help you, however for this particular course I just felt like I was a number and a source of income if that makes sense. So it was okay to start with they answered a few questions but in all honestly, they just haven’t provided the best of support and the course itself was not as good as I had imagined. They had a few larger business contacts for collaborations, yes, but I do believe this was not much use to me as my engagement would definitely need to be much higher, as well as my follower count to partner with these brands. I have messaged asking questions more recently but have not had a reply. This customer service really wasn’t meeting the expectations I had. If you are genuinely interested in knowing the course please do not hesitate to message me and I will get back to you. However, name dropping in this situation is not really my kind of thing.
What about how the course is presented? This is an important topic I feel I need to bring up. One course has a website that you need a password to get to the course information which is a really good and professional idea! My other smaller course I joined is a simple easy to use PDF document which is updated anytime there is some new information which I like a lot too as it’s easy to access quickly on my phone files. The bigger one is a website too however it is pretty simplistic in comparison.
Overall in conclusion I do strongly feel that influencer courses are worth it, but I will always suggest the smaller ones personally as they have the most potential and, they provide you with so much more support. I have never felt like I was just more money to them or just an income, I felt like they genuinely want me to succeed! You don’t need to buy loads and loads of courses at all, but if you want to genuinely learn I recommend 1 or 2 courses and a ton of research on YouTube as well; as there is loads of free content on there to help you increase your knowledge of social media and how to present yourself and grow.
I will link the two courses I have below; And no they are not related to one another but just have the same last name! These two women have been so helpful and given me so much information I really recommend checking them out.
https://www.instagram.com/l.k_influencers/ Ran by Loz knight - Anyone who uses my name when purchasing the last course will receive £5 off the course price!
https://www.instagram.com/dreamcatcherscoaching/ Ran by Jade knight - please do not hesitate to use my name as a referral I would really appreciate it and would love to help these girls share their knowledge with so many more people.
I hope this had been helpful for anyone who had previously wondered about these types of social media courses. Lots of love- Ali x